Why Do I Sometimes Seem To Lose Characters That I Type

Question Submitted by BFES - July 02, 2008

When you <TAB> between fields in the EME you must be sure your cursor is active in the next window and the window is ready to accept input. If you start typing before the you are completely in the next field and before the system is ready to accept input you may experience what seems like a loss of characters.

The CAD system is very different from most other software system in that each time you change a piece of information the system has to send the info across your network to the server and may also have to update your display as well as the display of all the other machines on your system - including mobile computers. Although this happens in a fraction of a second it does take time and the operator should be aware of this.

The best way to have the system do what you require is to watch the screen as you type and move from field to field. This way you can work with the system to ensure is is ready to starting accepting the next piece of information that you need to input.

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